Hospitalia Continuous Cover insurance policy

Continuing affordable insurance. 

  • Insured on retirement, redundancy or change of employment
  • Transfer without a waiting period or a medical questionnaire
  • No age limit or additional contribution to pay
  • Up to €50 per day extra when admitted through your employer's insurance
Starting from €3,23 /month
Get cover now

Wat is een wachtpolis?

Met een wachtpolis, zoals Hospitalia Continuïteit, blijf je beschermd ook als je tijdelijk geen actieve hospitalisatieverzekering hebt. Je betaalt een lage premie om je rechten te behouden. Sluit je later opnieuw een volwaardige hospitalisatieverzekering af? Dan hoef je geen nieuwe medische vragenlijst in te vullen. Zo blijf je gerust, ook tijdens overgangsperiodes zoals ontslag of pensioen.

Waarom een wachtpolis?

  • Overbruggen van wachttijd
    Voor hospitalisatieverzekering geldt vaak een wachttijd voordat je recht hebt op terugbetaling. Een wachtpolis dekt jouw medische kosten in die periode
  • Vermijd extra hoge kosten
    Zonder wachtpolis zou je ziekenhuisopname in die tussenperiode wel eens heel hoog kunnen oplopen
  • Geen medische vragenlijst
    Je hoeft geen nieuwe medische vragenlijst in te vullen. Wat voor wie al gezondheidsprobemen heeft, een groot voordeel is
  • Wanneer je van werkgever verandert
    Niet enkel bij pensioen, maar ook wanneer je van werkgever verandert, overbrug je zo een periode van niet dekking

The ideal top-up to your employer-sponsored insurance policy.

Hospitalisation insurance through your employer is a great thing to have. But what if you retire , change jobs or are made redundant ?  Then your employer's policy will be discontinued and you will no longer be protected against the high costs of a hospital admission.

Hospitalia Continuity policy provides you with life-long protection. If your employer's group insurance should end you will be affordably insured through our hospitalisation insurance, and on the same day. No waiting period, no medical questionnaire and no extra charges. And you are already assured of receiving additional reimbursements in the event of hospitalisation.

Already have insurance?

Practical questions and answers about your reimbursements and hospital admission.

What does Hospitalia Continuity cover?

Seamless portability

Whatever the reason, if the group insurance policy provided by your employer ends, you will be instantly re-insured with Hospitalia Continuous Cover.


Top-up reimbursements

Are you going to be admitted to hospital? You can receive up to an extra €50 per day in hospital for expenses not covered by your employer's policy.


It only takes 2 minutes

What does Hospitalia Continuity not insure?

  • Any hospitalisation invoice for which your group insurance did not grant reimbursement.
Hospitalia Continuity waiting policy

Hospitalia Continuity waiting policy protects your whole family

Most employer-sponsored group insurance policies  protect your whole family. Hospitalia Continuous Cover waiting policy does that too: for your child, your partner and you. This waiting policy ensures that all of you remain insured if your employer-sponsored hospitalisation insurance ends. That way, you have total peace of mind.

Practical questions and answers

Hospitalia Continuity is a waiting policy. This policy allows you to continue to be insured under the same conditions as your employer's hospitalisation insurance after your pension, redundancy or if you change jobs. Specifically, what it means is that you do not have to make a new application when you switch to a Hospitalia insurance policy. For example, you cannot be excluded for reimbursements related to a pre-existing condition if you received the diagnosis during the term of your group insurance.

This can be done quickly, easily and digitally via the My Helan app (mobile) or via My Helan (desktop). Complete the reimbursement application and attach proof of your group insurance reimbursements. We do the rest.

Is your retirement looming on the horizon, or are you changing jobs? Let us know that your employer's group insurance will be discontinued, and which insurance you want to switch to: Hospitalia, Hospitalia Medium or Hospitalia Plus. Contact us and we will arrange a seamless transition.

You can join Hospitalia Continuity up to and including your 64th birthday. However, it is advisable to join the waiting policy as early as possible. After all, the younger you are at the time of joining, the less you pay.

If you join one of the Hospitalia policy packages, you will need to complete a medical questionnaire. On that basis, the medical adviser may decide to accept your registration with a restriction or exclusion for reimbursements related to the illness. If you are admitted for any reason other than the condition mentioned in the medical questionnaire, you will be reimbursed for expenses incurred. 

Every insurance policy has a waiting period. That is the period from the time of your affiliation that you have to bridge before you can start to actually receive reimbursements. All Hospitalia insurance policies have a waiting period that is limited to six months. The same applies to Hospitalia Continuity. This means that you are effectively insured from the sixth month after you become a member.

You can stop your insurance at any time with a cancellation period of at least one month. The cancellation period starts on the first day of the month following the date you discontinued your insurance. You can find the standard cancellation form in My Helan. It  can be sent by registered post to: Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk.  You can also drop off your letter at your nearest Helan office or upload it via our contact form.

Think carefully before you decide to stop your insurance. Hospitalisation is becoming increasingly expensive; pre-admission and aftercare costs also run high. With our hospitalisation insurance, you will be able to sleep soundly if you are admitted and avoid financial worries after an (unexpected) hospitalisation. Make an appointment with an adviser if you have any questions about your insurance or premium contributions.

Bekijk de algemene voorwaarden en infofiches voor elk van de verzekeringsproducten van VMOB MLOZ Insurance op onze overzichtspagina.

“Someone told me about the Hospitalia Continuity waiting policy when I changed jobs. I will be able to quickly and affordably join Hospitalia Medium through the waiting policy if I change employers again. It was mainly the price of the waiting policy that won me over. It's so cheap, and I will get so much in return later.”


Helan Independent Health Insurance Fund is the insurance agent (n° CDZ 5006c) for ‘MLOZ Insurance’, the VMOB of Independent Health Insurance Funds, (Register of Legal Entities in Brussels, 422.189.629, recognised under no. CDZ 750/01 for branches 2 and 18). View the data sheet and the General Terms and Conditions. Belgian law applies to the insurance contract. The term of the contract is whole life. In the event of any complaint, contact the complaints department of Helan Health Insurance Fund or the insurance ombudsman. For more information about purchasing this/these product(s), please contact Helan Health Insurance Fund. Helan Onafhankelijk ziekenfonds, Boomsesteenweg 5, 2610 Wilrijk, 0411.696.011, RPR Antwerpen,